ROYAL AMARANTH (Amaranth oil)

Amaranth oil in its family occupies the highest positions and has a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the human body. The main task of scientists is to use amaranth not only for the treatment of sick people, but its use when a person is healthy. Prophylactic use of amaranth can significantly slow down the processes of vascular sclerosis, and thus reduce the possibility of heart attack and stroke. Prolonged use of amaranth also prevents the development of cancer in the human body. But this happens under the condition of taking a concentrated form of oil, made by cold pressing, at a temperature not exceeding 36-37’C. In this case, amaranth oil retains all its best natural properties. We say that the oil stays alive. The oil should have a light brown color with a greenish tinge, nutty taste with a slight spicy bitterness. In the absence of such organoleptic qualities, you can think of counterfeiting or poor production.

Amaranth oil (Royal Amaranth) is very rich in its composition: the content of squalene from 4.6 to 10%, tocotrienol (especially the active form of vitamin E), polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic (Omega-6), linolenic (Omega-3), oleic. Omega-9), arachidonic, thymidone, etc., essential and essential amino acids, phospholipids more than 9% (with a predominance of phosphatidylcholine), phytosterols, carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A), vitamin D, trace elements (potassium, iron, phosphorus) , copper, etc.). Amaranth oil is the only available source of squalene – a substance that in combination with trace elements, vitamins C, D, B and vitamin E (tocotrienols), polyunsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids regulates lipid metabolism, has a pronounced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect granulation and epithelialization of tissues, participates in the processes of cell proliferation.

Squalene is also an essential component of cell membranes and is present in all cells of the body. It is one of the main defenders of cells. Serves as a source of oxygen needed by the body, and contributes to the normalization of tissue respiration, has antimicrobial anticancer and fungicidal properties. It is the lack of oxygen and cell destruction caused by excess oxidants, is the main cause of the emergence and spread of tumors. Therefore, squalene, as an anti-tumor factor, is able to increase the strength of the immune system several times, thus ensuring the body’s resistance to various diseases.

Squalene has unique wound healing properties, easily copes with most skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, burns. The local action of squalene is aimed at protecting, detoxifying, moisturizing, softening and nourishing the skin. In people with oncology, squalene is used in addition to the main methods of treatment – radiation and chemotherapy, surgical treatment, increasing their effectiveness and reducing side effects inherent in all these methods.

Clinical results (USA, Japan) confirm the effectiveness of amaranth oil in the treatment of patients with diabetes, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, intestinal atony.

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